DFG Project
Selektiv adressierbare Grenzflächen in Papier (finished)
The proposed project aims to specifically design especially nanopores in paper. Their influence on paper properties such as capillary fluid- and molecular transport will be systematically understood and controlled. In this context the proposed project will I) correlate the cellulose fiber characteristics (morphology, length, fiber wall thickness, …) to mesopore formation using sol-gel chemistry, II) prepare paper from pre-functionalized cellulose fibers with defined mesopore structure and functionalization and evaluate them with respect to mechanical stability and their application potential in dependence of functionalization, fiber composition and distribution and medium term with respect to fiber type.
J. J. Mikolei, M. Stanzel, R. Pardehkorram, R. Lehn, M. Ceolin,and A. Andrieu-Brunsen, Fluid Flow Control in Cotton Threads with Mesoporous Silica Coatings, Advanced Material Interfaces, 2023, 2300211.
J. J. Mikolei, D. Richter, R. Pardehkhorram, C. Helbrecht, S. Schabel,T. Meckel, M. Biesalski, M. Ceolind and A. Andrieu-Brunsen, Nanoscale pores introduced into paper via mesoporous silica coatings using sol–gel chemistry, Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 90949105.
J. Mikolei, L. Neuenfeld, S. Paech, M. Langhans, M. Biesalski, T. Meckel, A. Andrieu-Brunsen, Mechanistic Understanding and Three-Dimensional Tuning of Fluid Imbibition in Silica-Coated Cotton Linter Paper Sheets, Advanced Material Interfaces, 2022, 2200064.
C. Dubois, N. Herzog, C. Rüttiger, A. Geissler, E. Grange, U. Kunz, H.-J. Kleebe, M. Biesalski, T. Meckel, T. Gutmann, M. Gallei, A. Andrieu-Brunsen, Fluid Flow Programming in Paper-Derived Silica-Polymer Hybrids, Langmuir, 2017, 33, 332-339.
Patent: Nau, Herzog, Andrieu-Brunsen, Biesalski DE 102018124255.7, 2018
M. Nau & N. Herzog, J. Schmidt, T. Meckel, A. Andrieu-Brunsen & M. Biesalski , Janus‐Type Hybrid Paper Membranes, Adv. Mater. Interf., 2019.
Currently involved team members: Joanna Mikolai
Formerly involved team members: Nicole Rath
Collaboration with PAK-962
Funding: DFG

Silica Coating of Cellulose Fibers, Image: A. Andrieu-Brunsen