

Introduction to Macormolecular Chemistry II [M.MC 2]

Date, Room: WS Fridays 12:00 – 14:00
Instructors: Prof. Dr. A. Andrieu-Brunsen; Prof. Dr. M. Biesalski

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Chemistry for Mechanical Engineers - lecture & tutorial


Die Vorlesung führt in Grundlagen der Chemie mit einem Bezug zum Maschinenbau ein. Themen sind das Periodensystem, physikalisch chemische Grundlagen wie Stoffumwandlung, Reaktionskinetik, Spektroskopie, genauso wie anwendungsbezogene Materialien wie Membranen oder Polymere.

last lecture WiSe 2020/2021

Funktionale Polymere [M.MC3]

Date, Room: WS Fridays 12:00 – 14:00
Instructors: Prof. Dr. A. Andrieu-Brunsen; Prof. Dr. M. Biesalski

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Chemistry and Physics of Macromolecules on Interfaces [M.MC 10]

Date, Room: SoSe Thursday 14:00 – 16:00
Instructors: Prof. Dr. A. Andrieu-Brunsen

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Introduction into Chemistry

Currently no lecture. Last lecture WS 2014/15

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Lab courses

Macromoleculare Chemistry for Master Students

Zeit: Jedes Semester, Blockpraktikum n.V.
Ort: Chem. Institute, Lichtwiese
Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. Rehahn, Prof. Dr. M. Biesalski, Prof. Dr. A. Andrieu-Brunsen sowie Mitarbeiter der Lehrstühle

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Lab course Macromolecular Chemistry for Bachelor Students

Zeit: Jedes Semester, Blockpraktikum n.V.
Ort: Chem. Institute, Lichtwiese
Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. Rehahn, Prof. Dr. M. Biesalski, Prof. Dr. A. Andrieu-Brunsen sowie Mitarbeiter der Lehrstühle

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Bachelor- and Master-Thesis

Bachelor and Master Thesis are regularly offered. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Dr. Annette Andrieu-Brunsen.

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Research Internship for Master Students

If you are interested in Research Interships (Vertiefungen, HIWI Jobs) please contact Prof. Dr. Annette Andrieu-Brunsen.

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Group Seminar

The group seminars are held Fridays at 9:15 together with the group of Prof. Dr. M. Biesalski. Guests are welcome.

Scientific Curiosity Seminar

Currently together with AG Smart Membranes Seminar (Thursday 16:00-17:30). Guests are welcome.

AG Smart Membranes Seminar

The Smart Membranes (Smarties) Seminar is held each Thursday from 16:00 till 17:30 in room L2|05 130. The current developments in smart membranes are discussed. Guests are welcome!